Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck three emerging alternative fuels to watch

Three Emerging Alternative Fuels to Watch

March 10, 2023

Energy markets are fast-changing. A new technology or fuel source can disrupt and even upend the industry. To keep our clients ahead of the times, the team at Financial Fuel Services has prepared a cheat sheet for emerging alternative fuels and outlined what each type of fuel and what fuel stop […]

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Long Term Oil and Gas Prices oil prices forecast

Long-Term Oil Prices Forecast

January 9, 2023

This summer, oil prices remained over $100 a barrel, here are our oil prices forecast for the upcoming future. High gas prices affected tourism and drove headlines about how the government should intervene. As we near the end of 2022 and the start of 2023, prices have thankfully leveled with increased […]

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EMV at the Pump with Verifone what is a chargeback

What is a Chargeback and How to Avoid Them with EMV Compliance

December 5, 2022

The Europay, MasterCard, and Visa (EMV) payment standard has had all the drama of an opera: an abrupt and sudden announcement that disrupted businesses, a difficult consumer adoption, a deadline that got pushed and pushed but arguably not pushed enough. We’re way past the April 2021 deadline, however, the drama continues. […]

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mental health tips for truckers

The Three Most Important Mental Health Tips for Truck Drivers

November 7, 2022

Increased supply chain pressures. Driver shortages. Record oil prices. The pandemic recovery has put truck drivers at the center of never-before-seen problems. Truck driver’s continued commitment to their vocation is fundamentally what keeps our supply chain working. With this added pressure though, there’s an industry-wide push to focus on truck drivers’ […]

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Electric Charging Stations at Gas Station electric vehicle chargers

Thinking About Electric Vehicle Chargers at your gas station?

September 27, 2022

As a followup to last month’s blog post about electric vehicles in the trucking industry, let’s talk about independent gas stations. Last year, The Wall Street Journal estimated it will cost gas station owners more than $100,000 to install electric vehicle chargers. The price tag of installation isn’t the only disruption […]

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Electric Semi Truck

Are electric vehicles an immediate priority for truck stops? Not necessarily.

August 15, 2022

A June 2022 Consumer Reports article broke the news that automakers are adding pure battery electric vehicles to their lineup with a projected debut of 2024. Most notably Honda is teaming up with General Motors and using their long-range Ultium batteries. While these types of changes in automotive technology are unavoidable, […]

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Bear Market

What is a Bear Market. What the Heck Does That Mean?

June 20, 2022

Your phone notifications are buzzing with push alerts like, “S&P enters bear market territory,” and “Investors brace for bear market losses.” While you pickup on the vague sense of panic, do you know what a bear market is and what it means for you as a truck stop, gas station, or […]

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Credit Card Limits at the Pump authorization limited reached

What You Need to Know about Credit Card Limits at Gas Pumps

June 20, 2022

UPDATE POSTED JUNE 2022:  Given the increase in the price of fuel, Visa/Mastercard have increased the authorization limit reached at the pump.  If you are accepting EMV payments at the pump, you can set authorization limits for Visa, MasterCard, Discover & American Express no higher than $175.  If you are not […]

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EMV Chip Cards EMV Compliance

EMV Compliance: What To Do If Your Truck Stop Still Isn’t EMV Compliant

November 30, 2021

Last April came and went. With it, the extended EMV compliance liability shift deadline passed. Truck stops, convenience stores, and other retailers that missed the deadline now bear responsibility for fraud losses at their locations. The risk this lapsed deadline represents is tremendous, especially for small business owners. Here’s how you […]

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State of the Trucking Industry

State of the Trucking Industry in 2021

May 10, 2021

Last year, the record-high demand for online goods, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and medical supplies strained the country’s supply chain and ultimately tested logistical efficiency. Then, as states shut down, freight volumes rapidly decreased. Revenues took a dive. The most immediately impacted people in the industry were truckers. Truck drivers were […]

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point of sale system for truck stops

Point of Sale System: Processing at Your Unbranded Diesel Island

January 21, 2021

You own a branded truck stop with an unbranded diesel island.  The harsh reality is you’re losing money every time a truck passes because your stop isn’t able to process Over The Road (OTR) fleet cards with your current point of sale system. Word gets out.  Then, not only are truckers […]

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Truck driver with mask and gloves on.

COVID-19 and Your Truck Stop

December 7, 2020

UPDATE: Here we are, nine months later, and we are still in the grips of the Corona Virus pandemic. We’ve gone through widespread, unprecedented shut-downs and re-openings, only to be faced with the possibility of shut-downs again, as we navigate the holiday season. The trucking industry as a whole continues to […]

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